What if the world is holding its breath –
waiting for you to take the place that only you can fill?

-David Whyte, Poet

Maggie has been certified by the state of Florida as a Qualified Supervisor.
“I provide a mind/heart/body/spirit supervision experience for new therapists
desiring a sacred journey of excellence and expansion as a mental health practitioner.”

Trauma: Acute, Chronic and Complex

Acute trauma results from a single distressing event that is extreme enough to threaten a person’s emotional or physical security. It leaves a lasting impression on the individual’s mind.

Chronic trauma occurs when a person is exposed to multiple, long-term, and/or prolonged distressing events over an extended period. These events can be repetitive and wear down an individual’s resilience.

Complex trauma involves varied and multiple traumatic events, often of an invasive, interpersonal nature. These events can significantly impact an individual’s psychological well-being.

Grief / Loss

Grief is widely known as loss  of a loved one but it can also be attributed to loss of a pet, career or job, home, family structure, and health, to name a few.


Oppression can manifest in various ways, including discrimination, marginalization, and unequal power dynamics and affects individuals and communities based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, and more.


Our early childhood experiences shape our ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships throughout our lives.

Womens Issues

Issues unique to women including IVF, pregnancy, PMDD, menopause, etc.

Major Life Transitions

Life changes can be scary and confusing. Divorce, career changes, health impairments, marriage, and blending families are just a few of these.

Identity Exploration and Wayfinding

Identity refers to the core sense of self—who we are, our beliefs, values, roles, and how we perceive ourselves in relation to others and the world. 

Spirituality Exploration and Wayfinding

Spiritual wayfinding involves the process of navigating one’s spiritual path—seeking meaning, purpose, and connection beyond the material world.

Aging and Meaning-Making

Each stage of life brings different challenges — physical, psychological, social. In a village, we would have had guides to help us make these transitions and make meaning of our choices, stories, experiences, and unique paths.

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