A Sacred Journey
This journey of growth and healing is cutting through dense jungle of personal history, navigating with bare hearts and feet that desire to follow the whispered hints of possibility.
Some days, the feet that guide your way and the hands that do the cutting, are those of the sage, withered and knowing.
Other days they are the feet and hands of the wondrous inner child.
No matter, our feet and hands have been ours, even before we were born, through every experience of holding on, and letting go, as we dare to make your way.
– Maggie Mer McDanal

Mind * Heart * Body * Soul
Psychotherapy for the WHOLE SELF
As living beings we have an innate ability to heal. Not just the wounds that are reflected back to us by mirrors, like cuts and bruises, but also attachment, depression, anxiety, transition, grief/loss, crises, trauma, and the inability to connect to family or friends in a meaningful way. Just as we have needed a doctors help to stitch or re-set a bone so that healing may occur, we need the help of therapists to re-set the patterns of our emotions and thoughts. I believe each one of us has an intuitive map by which our spirit desires to journey and a unique key formed by our life’s experiences and lessons, from which our intuitive map can be deciphered.
We can lose sight of one, or trust in the other, leaving us to feel hopeless, lonely, bereft.
With help, we can find ourselves again.
It’s not easy to ask for help to find the person that you know yourself to be underneath it all.
But asking is the only first step to finding.

If I don’t want to live a life of callouses or shoes, then I can choose my steps wisely, welcoming the blisters and bleeding that are the nature of bare feet while also tending to the greater hurts with want to let them heal.
I can nurture a sustainable stride from which I will never have to abandon my path, while holding my eyes to the horizon so that I may be guided by the natural processes of our precious Earth.
And with trust in my heart.

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